Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haven't posted in 2 years...

After having another baby....life went into fast forward..didn't know it could go any faster. With a faster pace came new priorites and obviously blogging was forgotten. Maybe I'll pick it up again...After I do more praying..spending time with my husband...playing with my kids..who seem to grow up way too fast...helping hurting peole..loving hurting kids and seeing the kingdom of God move on earth. Until then, catch you later!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blogging...Replaced by Sleeping

SOOOOO, I haven't even blogged in 2009 yet? Wow, It actually took me 10 minutes to get my computer to sign me on so I could give a bit of an update. First, Let me all make you aware that I am pregnant. Again. So instead of doing well anything productive, I have been sick and sleeping. So, I made it through Christmas and now that I am 13 weeks, I am feeling much better.
We are very excited to be expecting again and I am even more excited to know that this is my last one. I am enjoying it now and can't wait to find out what it is in 5 weeks. The due date is July 27th, which means I will have a June, July, August, October, November and December Birthday celebration! It's nice to have the first 6 months off of partying.
Speaking of partying, I decided to blog today beacuse I am one year older today and totally relaxing. I refused to clean for ONE day. So I told my boss(Russ) I was taking the day off at church . I stayed home, played with my kids, took a hot bath and we are going out to eat...with a sink full of dishes and loads of laundry smelling up my basement. Don't worry, it will be there tomorrow. To all my fellow bloggers, Have a JOYFUL 2009!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My Gift in the Mail... My story continued

To all those who waited all summer for the continuation of my story, here it is. To recap, Pastor Russ was the youth pastor in Cleveland, at a church I was attending. He just said his final goodbyes and left for Pittsburgh. I thought I would never see him again. During his two week interim Florida vacation before relocating to Pittsburgh, I received a small envelope with balloons on it in the mail. Inside was a book by Max Lucado and a birthday card from "PR". I was really surprised that he thought of me!

In the card, he wrote that he had picked up the book at the airport for me and hoped I had a nice birthday. Then he wrote that he would stop to see me before he left for Pittsburgh. I showed the card to my friend Deana, who had know PR for a long time. She was all giggles. She said he just doesn't do this for anyone. This "is something." I blew it off as a nice gesture.

Although, I really was looking forward to his promise of seeing him one last time.

The day came for PR to come home form the airport, gather the last of his few bachelor belongings and head to Pittsburgh in his little black Jetta Volkswagen. I called Deana to see if he had arrived. She said, "Oh, he already came, got his stuff and left for Pittsburgh." Inside, I felt a little pain in my heart, then went back to work at the mall kiosk.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Back to School

So school started 4 weeks ago, and I am finally blogging. With 1, 500 pictures on my little chip, I decided to do some downloading today and realized I haven't updated my blog. We had a fantastic, relaxing and uplifting summer! Wow! The roller coaster of life gets faster and more fun every day! In June, my grandpa became ill and on June 26th, went to be with Jesus. During that time, my entire life was put on hold. I went home to Cleveland to be with my family. Thanks to Julie and Dan for hosting all of us! During that time, my training for my triathlon was put on hold and when I came back we left for vacation (just camping of course), and put it off for another two weeks. By then the triathlon was 2 weeks away and of course I planned to compete the day we started to set up for our biggest week long outreach of the year-City Reach. So, I gave in. I said from the beginning that my training would not come before my family or God-work. So I am pleased to say I did just that. And it was soo worth it. Yes, I am still training...for next year. I am running weekly with several friends, swimming int he wee hours and spinning when I have to(AHHHH!)
Otherwise the schedule of full time mommy getting kids up for school at 6 am and sending them out the door every hour, signing checks and filling out thousands of papers, grocery shopping (and putting it away), trying to find the bottom of the laundry pile, and cooking some type of nutritious meal...not to mention reading tons of books and bathing kids(at least once a week)...is keeping me pretty content.
The first day of school is always exciting. Especially because everyone wakes up on time. This year was special because my little girl, Rachel started Kindergarten at Kerr Elementary. It was emotional at the bus stop because she was so busy talking to her friends she forgot to wave goodbye from the bus. So, I think I will be missing her the most. Greg started Fox Chapel high school as a freshman and Shelby is in the 8th grade at Dorseyville Middle School. Danielle is in preschool at Glenn Ave. and Justin..well he goes to a literacy class with Danielle and I and he attends book babies at the library.
I hope to be blogging at least weekly, when I am not playing Candyland for the 100th time-enjoying my children while they are still young. God's Blessings!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

First Camp

The flowers have bloomed, the sun is out and school is almost over. Let the fun times begin. Dirty faces, sweaty hair, swimming pools and CAMP. We took our first trip last weekend! What crazy time! We forgot the keys to our trailer(again). So we really were roughing it with no utensils, plates, cooking supplies or bedding. (In addition to no running water and a very old outhouse) Miraculously we came out alive..and had fun while doing it. Pizza saved the day. The kids didn't have a care in the world (I wish I could be more like that). They were busy as soon as we set them free from their seat belts. Greg went fishing and chopped wood. Shelby mowed(I mean drove) the grass and made friends with the new teenage girls in the next camp. Rachel and Danielle can't help stay out of the river-even in 50 degree weather. It just so happens to be toad mating season this time of year-for those of you interested. So, the excitement was in catching as many toads as they possible could-at the same time. They definately got a kick out of the "piggybacked " ones. They played baby toad, tent toad, boat toad, and they were even given boogie board rides. At the end of the trip it was emotional to say goodbye-at least to the ones who lived through it. I like to call it animal investigation instead of cruelty. Justin got a taste of hot dogs over the fire and lots of grass and mud. A very well balanced diet. Me, well, I just attract bugs-even in the cold. We can't wait until we meet the outdoors again. happy camping!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Wow, has it really been that long since I sat down to blog? I wonder what I was doing? I am going to finish my story, for those of you waiting. But first, let me update you on triathlon progress. I all but gave up until my husband and encourager said just start training and if it doesn't work, then at least you'll know you tried. So it is better to try that not do anything at all. So, I have begun my training. So far, so good. The date is set for Augst 10th and I can't wait. But, the rule is :Family FIRST! My husband and my kids need me. So it can't interfere with them. Here are some recent pics of some of them. Up above, Danielle (age 3 1/2) is all dolled up for Easter, Justin (10 months) on his first swing, and Rachel(age 5) right before her first big t-ball game. I'll try and catch up with Shelby and Greg so you can see them too. Check out Shelby's awesome blog to the right!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

He's Leaving-My story Continued

To all my blog readers, thanks for waiting. Time just doesn't stand still for blogging. So, I left off with the announcement by Pastor Russ that he was leaving Immanuel AG in Ohio. I was not there when he made the announcement. I was still attending Westpark. I found out through my friend Dee Dee. She said, "Did you hear the news?" Pastor Russ is leaving. At first, I felt my stomach hit the floor. Then I reasoned. I said to myself, "It must not be God's plan for us. He has something better." And that was that. At his farewell party, I remember Russ with tears in his eyes as he said goodbye to the entire youth group. I didn't cry. I just gave him a hug and said goodbye. I asked for his address, so I could write to him. I happened to have my Sunday morning kids church memory verse paper in my back pocket. On the back he scribbled his parents address in Pittsburgh. I still have that paper. I held onto it because I thought I could write and encourage him.

So after I said goodbye, I left, knowing God had another plan for my life that did not include Pastor Russ.

Russ was taking a two week vacation to Florida-by himself-then going on to Pittsburgh. I really thought I would never see him again. During his vacation it happened to be my birthday. I received a small package in the mail. The return address was from Pittsburgh, PA.